I met Lt. Col. William Russell early in October at an event sponsored by Diana Lynn Irey, who ran so courageously and well against John Murtha in 2006. William Russel, pictured above, is running hard against Murtha with the goal of winning. I believe he can accomplish that.
He's accomplished just about everything else in life. He's now retired from the Army and living in Johnstown, PA, in Pennsylvania's 12th Congressional District. His campaign manager is Larry Stiles, a Marine from the Vietnam Era.
William is a veteran of just about every modern situation where there was hostile gunfire. He served in Desert Storm, in the Balkans, and in Iraqi Freedom. On 9/11/2001, he and his wife Kasia were in the Pentagon together when the terrorist/hijackers hit the building. Thankfully, they were not hurt.
What will it take for William to win against Moneybags Murtha? He's going to need the prayers and support, including contributions, from all those who love this country as deeply as he does. He's the man and this is the time to bring an end to the long, undistinguished career of John Murtha, one of the most unsavory and self-centered individuals ever to hold high office in America.
How can you personally help William in his effort? You can do by going to his web site at:
http://williamrussellforcongress.com. If you can afford to do so, please make a modest contribution to his effort. Above all, please volunteer to help, perhaps by soliciting contributions and support from others. If you live in or near the 12
th District (south and east of Pittsburgh, including towns like
Johnstown, Monongahela, and Washington, PA, as well as Greene County), your help can be especially important. Please bring this campaign to the attention of those on your blog and/or e-mail list.
As Edmund Burke said, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." The triumph of good -- and William is a very good man -- requires that good people, male and female, do what they can, which is sometimes more than they can imagine.
Thanks for your assistance!
Stephen R. Maloney
Ambridge, PA