Friday, May 26, 2006

Judge, Jury and Executioner...redux.

Robin at Chickenhawk express has this:
According to a report in The Marine Times, Murtha received another briefing from the Marines about the Haditha incident on Wed. The door to the briefing room had barely closed behind him before he was spewing forth details from the briefing and giving his own take on the situation...

"A key member of Congress said he “wouldn’t be surprised” if a dozen Marines faced courts-martial for allegedly killing Iraqi civilians Nov. 19. Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., told Marine Corps Times that the number of dead Iraqis, first reported to be 15, was actually 24. He based that number on a briefing from Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Mike Hagee on Wednesday."

"Hagee visited Capitol Hill in anticipation of the release of two investigation reports, which are expected to show that among the 24 dead civilians, five of the alleged victims, all unarmed, were shot in a car with no warning, Murtha said. The killings took place in Hadithah, 125 miles northwest of Baghdad. At least seven of the victims were women and three were children."

Now contrast what the fat blow-hole said with the comments from the Marine Corps...
"Col. David Lapan, a spokesman at Marine Corps headquarters. “The investigations are ongoing, therefore any comment at this time would be inappropriate and could undermine the investigatory and possible legal process,” he said."
But Murtha appears to be salivating at the mere prospect of Marines being convicted for atrocities that he can't wait for a verdict, nor for all the facts to come out.

Due process be damned. Murtha is on a witch hunt.