Friday, June 16, 2006

Murtha's vote to military: NO CONFIDENCE

From here:
H RES 868 RECORDED VOTE 15-Jun-2006 12:02 PM

On Agreeing to the Resolution

Providing for consideration of the resolution (H. Res. 861) declaring that the United States will prevail in the Global War on Terror, the struggle to protect freedom from the terrorist adversary

Yep, former military man, former marine, turns to his fellow marines and says, "YOU WILL NOT PREVAIL ON THE GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR!"

Not only did he give our soldiers a vote of no confidence on the House Floor, but continues to put his no-confidence vote out there for the whole world (including our enemies) to see:
"We're not making progress," said Rep. John P. Murtha (D-Pa.), a Marine Corps veteran who has emerged as his party's leading opponent of the war.
And Murtha has the balls (or lack of them) to say it when mounting evidence points to the contrary!

Compare that, dear readers of this blog, to Murtha's opponent in the upcoming November election:
Americans do appreciate our soldiers and their families. It is only a minority of Americans that do not share in their resolve. Americans believe we are winning the War on Terror in Iraq. We must be united behind our military in their battle, so the war is not lost here on the streets of America. Our military and their families are in constant prayer.
SO, to the voters of Pennsylvania's 12th Congressional District: Which candidate, Murtha or Irey, best represents YOUR views?

To the people of the United States: The United States can no longer afford to have turncoat surrender monkeys in any capacity of leadership, especially at a time of war. We need opportunists like John Murtha out--period. And at the same time, having a sensible candidate like Diana Irey sweetens the deal that much more. Please click on her link on the right column and throw some ka-ching her way.


Something...and half of something... has it right,

Texas Rainmaker, Redstate, And Rightly So and Men's News Daily also do a great job of Murtha-fisking.

Unlike 30 years ago when John Kerry's Winter Soldier escapades went pretty much unchallenged by the MSM; Jack Murtha's gratuitously opportunistic and seditious rhetoric will NOT go unchallenged by the new media in real time. Period.